For those selling Airtable access

I'm curious how folks configure selling Airtable access in Gumroad.

It seems like one option when setting up your Gumroad product, is to use the "Redirect to a URL after purchase" option to Redirect to your private Airtable link after purchase. And maybe also include the Airtable link in the receipt email?

Curious how others have set this up! Thanks!

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    Yes redirect after purchase is an option. I've sold access to google sheets on gumroad and done the same. I noticed a while ago that gumroad exposes that redirect link before the purchase (in the page's code) so I stopped doing that. I did try recently and seems they fixed that.

    I also put a link in the welcome email workflow. And for a time only did that. Plus a pdf with links is a great way to give context to the sheet if you wish.

    If you'd consider a Google Sheet, I made OnlySheets for this purpose. So you can sell on Gumroad and give view access automatically. Instead of the redirect and instead of sharing the link with the internet.

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    As someone who has sold several Airtable products, this is exactly what I did. Never had any problems with the approach.

    Recently the founder of https://curateable.io/ reached out and it looks like a cool solution.

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      Awesome - thanks @jakobgreenfeld - Newsletter Spy was part of my inspiration for taking on this project, so this is great to hear!

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    Hey, I'm actively building buybase.io to solve this problem myself!

    My vision for buybase is to become the go-to place for selling access airtables and notion databases. It's early stages, but it handles the payment flow, providing user access and data embedding.

    You can play around with it now, or send me a twitter DM to chat more — https://twitter.com/hrrsnbbnt

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    Hey Andrei! Joel here I originally created Curateable which is now called Paytable for this exact purpose. https://paytable.io

    Over the last two weeks I’ve been working away on new features, updates and lots of improvements for Paytable.io - The membership platform and secure reader for Airtable.

    I recently dropped a thread over at twitter all about this - https://twitter.com/J__Rosen/status/1392120479910141952?s=20 - you can follow me on my journey over there if you want to keep in the loop with product progress as it happens!

    Paytable is now becoming the perfect way to monetize any of your curated bases including research products, info databases, lead-magnets curated galleries, jobs-boards, tools lists, checklists and whatever it is that can provide value to your audience.

    Monetizing Airtable data has never been easier and Paytable resolves the issue of sharing actual airtable shared view urls which means no more leaked access links.

    Check out a full update about how Paytable can help you sell secure Airtable access over here - https://community.airtable.com/t/updates-new-features-to-paytable-the-airtable-membership-tool-to-monetize-your-airtable-data/40300

    Thanks! Any questions, feel free to give me a shout.


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    I put the share link from Airtable, together with a password, in a PDF and upload that to Gumroad. I also use the "redirect to a different URL after purchase" for non-Gumroad sales (on Thrivecart).

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    As far as I know there is no way to share any private access other than sharing the direct link.

    I search for access control in the airtable's API but haven't found anything....

    But is it really an issue?

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