🗓 Upcoming Events: Jan 4 - 10, 2021

Week 4 of the Founder Events newsletter! Please subscribe to receive a list of upcoming events straight to your inbox every Sunday.

Greetings! Amy here. Hope you had a fun New Years. I managed to stay up until 2:30am, which I can confidently say will not happen again for all of 2021!

Anyway, get your calendars ready, here are next week’s upcoming events.

What’s happening next week:

⭐️ = Event I’ve registered for

In case you missed it…

I didn’t attend any events last week, so nothing to report. 🙈

Have a great week!

❔Are you excited about an upcoming event?
Let me know about it by sending an email to [email protected] or tweeting @amypeniston. Please be sure to include the name, date and URL for the event. Thank you. 🙏

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