How do you use Reddit ?

How do you use Reddit ?

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    I use it as a community building tool to get people to join The Codex . The key is offering genuine help and advice to those who are seeking. Here's a playbook I wrote up after listening to a lot of experts on this topic. Hope this helps.

    Craft personalized messages for each channel or audience using "The sherlock holmes" approach:
    - Find the top post in different channels and groups in the past two years that have been about computer science, projects, data science, learning, etc
    - Go into subreddits/forums/facebook groups/hacker news/ etc, sort content by top post, and understand what types of content that people in the industry are interested in, what type of content does well (most traction/likes/comments/upvotes/etc). Reverse engineer what works and what doesn't.
    - What are interesting insights? example - If you see a post where people comment "wow, this was surprising" or "learned so much from this" If there is a post or a comment that is very controversial - then maybe a good blog post title is "Giving you the final answer - should you do X or Y"
    - Create and improve on the content of the posts that have been written in the last 4 years based on modern technology and practices - we already know what content has been doing well, now mirror that in the content we produce
    - Add actual value with the messaging we community

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    I use it as a marketing tool for Logology. We target startups that just getting started basically. So I spend most of my reddit time on /startup(s) /entrepreneur, /indiebiz…
    It's of course not about selling or promoting but building a community there. And it works. I dragged more than 500 visitors a day from Reddit last week-end!

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      They allow that? Especially r/startups lol. They're a bit strict with self-promotion.

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        I'm still learning but yes it's not about self-promotion, more about sharing!
        The post (200+ upvotes) → https://www.reddit.com/r/startups/comments/hsy96q/38_more_signups_with_a_new_homepage/

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    Endless browsing and realising I have spent way too much time on this app. anyone else?

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    i have a reddit marketing tactic called "reddit terror"

    its where i bomb a subreddit with reddit newsfeed ads and google display ads, while building thought leadership in it

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      interesting, but I don't get it entirely, could you explain the tactic a bit? what kind of ads? Do you purchase them? what kind of content do they have? is it somehow suitable for the main topic of the subreddit? do the ads lead to your product AND add a thought of value to the subreddit? can you give an example of how this works in more detail?

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    There are lots of specialized discussion boards on the internet, but if you're looking for news, debate, answers or simply fun about practically anything you could image, Reddit is your location.

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    I use it mainly to share blog posts and products in various sub-reddits of interest.

    E.g. recently I shared this blog post on Privacy in the sub-reddit /r/privacy

    It got quite some traction: 350+ uniques, 6 signups to waiting list for decent.social

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      Ok, thanks for your reply, signed up - haha, your strategy works even by talking about it. so much to learn for me at the moment.

      A question: you did link-sharing in r/privacy. With your decent.social it's not entirely clear if it is supposed to become an editorial blog, it's somehow in a kind of superposition. What is your estimation it the blog post was hosted by an obviously commercial SaaS, would this be a reason for moderators to remove it?

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        It’s best to always read Reddit posting policies for each sub-reddit

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    Check the homepage 2-3 times a day, click on a thread if something it seems interesting. After lurking for 5 years, you kinda start seeing the same of type of content there haha.

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