Let's Fix Guest Posting

Hi there! 👋

Content marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways to generate inbound leads. Period.

Quick anecdote: I once ran a one-month content marketing campaign for one of my clients and three years later they're still generating over 5,000 visitors per month! The cost per click on each of those visits is well under $0.01 and the search intent matches their products perfectly.

Effective content marketing involves three pieces:

  • Keyword Research: You need to find keywords that have high traffic and a low ranking difficulty. These days, that involves niching down and targeting long-tail keywords. Ahrefs and similar tools make these tasks pretty straightforward.
  • Link Building: A large part of ranking highly in search engines is getting high-quality inbound links. Unlike keyword research, there's not a lot of reliable, non-spammy ways to get backlinks. In fact, many people do things like search for broken links and follow up with cold outreach.
  • Great Content: Most people aren't great writers, especially when it's topics they don't care about. While you can hire third-party writers, they mostly regurgitate content without novel insights unless they have direct experience in your niche.

That brings us to guest posting – a great way to achieve all three goals.

Guest posting should be an excellent way to build backlinks and find great content. After all, you can write about a topic you know about, post it on someone else's site with a link back to yours, and rank for the keywords relevant to your business.

Unfortunately, people looking for quick results have ruined it. Publishers get hundreds of requests for guest posts every week – mostly from companies that want to spin up an article with AI and stuff in their clients' links/keywords. And as a result, the legitimate writers that want to create guest post content end up getting lumped into the spam category.

That's why I built TrustyLinks.

We need a place where product companies – not content marketers – can write content and share insights with each other. And, there's a lot of crosss-over in communities like IndieHackers.

  • A hiring platform could guest post content written by a digital course provider.
  • A developer tools business could write guest content for a related tool that doesn't compete.
  • A social media tool could write content for an email marketing platform.

Product companies writing guest posts can help educate an interested audience about their product – an area where they have a lot of expertise. And, they can get a backlink (for SEO) and traffic at the same time!

Publishers can post more content for their community and provide real, useful insights. And, the content they publish can rank in Google and bring in more organic traffic to their website.

It's a win-win-win for writers, publishers, and readers (and by extension Google).

If you're interested in writing or publishing guest posts, sign up for TrustyLinks for free and let's build out a database of opportunities to collaborate!

If you have any questions or feedback, I'd love to hear it too!

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