2400+ Downloaded Games Made in 17 Days

Hello, I'm Uğur, a former game maker. It used to be very difficult to make games. Although it is still very troublesome, some things have improved a little nowadays.

I watched a video and it was talking about someone making games in 17 days. I saw that he didn't post on Indie Hackers. I decided to share his story. You are reading this now.

I think the name of the person who made the game is 谌嘉诚(CJC) (https://twitter.com/cjcunreal). The name of the game is 死寂(Deathly Stillness). The game is a simple zombie game. What makes this game so valuable is that the maker took part in the game-making challenges in half an hour, but couldn't. It took 3 days to finish the game. Then he decided to develop the game a little more.

The producer of this game is working with Unreal Engine on his YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/c/UnrealEngine諶嘉誠CJC). This is one of these works. Adding it to Steam for its subscribers to experience the game. That's where it all starts.

In the description under the game, it says that this game is a boring game and it says that he only shared it for his fans to experience the game.

For those who want to play the game: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1727650/Deathly_Stillness/

The reason I am sharing this story is that people hide behind excuses and never take action. Look, this friend's story is quite inspiring.

So what do you think?

posted to
on September 9, 2021
  1. 1

    Amazing history, sometimes people struggle to tart something.. too many questions and fear to fail.

  2. 1

    Looks like it has grown even more in popularity now! Over 7K reviews (and Overwhelmingly Positive) on Steam, so probably 5-10x that at least in downloads. Very impressive.

    It's a free game, but those numbers are pretty insane regardless. I realize the developer didn't do this with the intent of building something bigger later, but considering its success, it seems like a good approach for finding an audience in a short time span. Instructive game design channel + free content that fans can play and share is a good foundation to make something bigger from.

    It definitely seems like it is mostly for building his channel, but he easily can turn it into something more structured and charge money for it. Or someone else could take that approach with success, assuming the quality is just as high.

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