Finally, Shopify approved our App 🚀💖

It's been a dream for a long time to get into the Shopify ecosystem.

Finally, we got approved by Shopify.

It's just the start of the journey, still a long way to go. Currently focussing on acquiring our initial customers.

Can anyone please share your experience on how you acquired your first 10 users?
What are the acquisition channels you recommend I focus on?

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    You can get a handful of customers just by optimizing your listing to reach your targeted customers.

    That said, it is not that easy but you also don't have to be Einstein to do it. I have 2 apps, one has been getting organic traffic + install due to it being in an overlooked niche; while the other app that kinda plays in a way more competitive niche is not doing well :(

    Some of the things you can do if you haven't already:

    • Add Featured image to your listing
    • Optimize for more targeted keywords (could be industry bound keyword like fashion, apparel etc.)
    • Use Google Analytics to track what keyword people search for when you found you

    Also give it times to observe. All the best!

    1. 2

      Thanks for the suggestions Choong.

      Tracking with GA already.

      1. I will add the featured image now.
      2. Will focus on the keywords

      Appreciate your help.

      1. 2

        Oh, and the Shopify forum!

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