Dear Courtland and Channing

Dear @csallen @channingallen

If you are looking for new features for IH's, I think adding an improved comment and post editor would be great. Just being able to upload photos would be huge. Also, a simple markdown editor would make it easier for people to post and comment.

Thanks, Tim

PS. It doesn't appear you can tag users when creating posts like you can in the comments.

What feedback or ideas do you have on how to improve the site?

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    It'd be helpful if the title had more information about what the post was about. "Dear Courtland and Channing" could be about many things.

    Looking at https://www.indiehackers.com/new-post, if you scroll down there's a section that says "Markdown is allowed, including inline images." It doesn't mention tagging but I tried tagging @timleland and looking at the preview and it looks like it works.

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      Valid points and hopefully this explains my reasons. First I thought the title was fun and catchy :). Second, I’m a long-time fan of IH’s and just wanted to share some feedback in a fun way. Doing this in a post allows others to jump in and share ideas on how to improve the site.

      I know you can use markdown to include an image. But this requires multiple steps and the knowledge of how markdown works. You have to take your image, upload it somewhere else, come back to IHs, and include markdown. These steps may lead to people just not engaging or the quality of the post lacking because an image would have improved the post. Also if the image hosted elsewhere is removed, the post will break.

      And yes tagging people works in comments but not “New Post”. Well, it works but you don't get the nice autocomplete dropdown feature. I would include an image explaining but you know that would require a bit more effort 😁

  2. 2

    I'll eventually work on an improved editor, but it's not at the top of my list at the moment.

    Before that, I want to make sure that if someone writes something good on IH, that it gets the attention it deserves, that it also doesn't get a lot of spam.

    Then I want to make sure the website itself — the UI, the instructions, the reward system, the feature design — nudges people to make the "right kinds" of posts. Because right now lots of people who mean well are making posts that have no real chance of getting a response, and that's not ideal.

    If I can get these two things in place, then I think it'll make a lot of sense to update the editor.

    1. 1

      Sounds great! Thanks for all your hard work on the site. I am excited about the future of IndieHackers!

  3. 2

    Yeah, something Notion-like block-based editor would be ideal. It's pretty easy nowadays with editorjs library. I don't even need images for now, but at least I should be able to make something bold. Basic formatting support would also be fine.

    1. 1

      Hmm this is bold (hope it works)

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        Yes, markdown is supported but not everyone knows it.

    2. 1

      Yes, the posts and comments could be a lot more engaging and readable with formating.

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