Data platform project, fresh start

For who already have experience in big data related project. If you start new big data project, what recommendations would you give.
Links, videos, books, advice, anything would be useful.
Open for conversations

  1. 1

    Hi @askilat I would recommend QuickTable (https://www.quicktable.io?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=sideproject&utm_id=launch). QuickTable is a free, user-friendly, no code platform where you can clean, process, analyze, visualize and build data models. Can process csv, excel files and can connect to MySQL, Snowflake etc. try it am sure you will like it!

  2. 1

    Hi @askilat I recommend Coursera or Udemy to find begginer friendly courses. Then you can go and look for books in Manning Publications or Packt to dig deeper. Normally, books are better for advanced topics. hope it helps!

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