I started coding almost two years ago, still broke but still coding. AMA

Coding is not a really field.

It's hard to get the hang of a programming language but once you do get the basics of programming, algorithms and problem solving nothing can stop you anymore.

I started my web development journey almost 2 years ago as a self taught with freeCodeCamp because I didn't like the curriculum at my University and I've been coding and developing since then.

I believe there are things that people would like to know about me as someone who's still coding even if I am still broke and still chasing that first $1 from the Internet.

So Ask me Anything and I'll try to answer as much questions as I can.

  1. 2

    Do you have plan B? How do you pay your bills?

    1. 1

      i am a CS student, I still live with my parents and I don't have a job but I am working on myself to start my own business later. Still chasing that first $1 from the internet haha

      1. 2

        Sounds reasonable 😉. Keep my fingers crossed for the first $

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