Increase your revenue by 30% without paid ads

Did you know that email marketing generates $40 dollars for every dollar spent? and 99% of email users check their inbox daily. Email is 40 times more effective at acquiring customers than Facebook or Twitter (Mckinsey).

If you own an online business owner you are leaving money on the table if you are not focusing on email. It's literally the 80/20 of marketing.

If you currently do not have any email sequences set up for your product. A simple onboarding sequence is low-hanging fruit. the goal is to convert more free trial users into paying customers.

Anyone can write one today and start seeing results for their product. the most basic version consists of 5 emails.

  • welcome message- Hello and thank you, relevant brand information, mission, values, founder story, etc.
  • Setup instructions or video. How to use the product.
  • educational email- tell them about cool feature A and how to use it.
  • educational email - tell them about cool feature B and how to use it.
  • The trial expires tomorrow email.

Anyone can have this set up and running within an hour and start seeing an increase in conversions.

Would love to hear your thoughts, do you use email marketing? What's your experience been like? let me know in the comments.

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