SEO Competitor Analysis Template[Link, Content and EEAT]

Few months ago, Ambient AI(Y Combinator W17) hired us for their SEO content strategy and a 12-month blog content calendar.

We went to Ahrefs, put some <20 KD keywords together and delivered in a sheet. They wrote articles on those topics and now they're shy to 100k/month traffic.

Just kidding....

SEO isn't just some number game of contents and links.

It's a strategic process of making the most out of your last mover's advantage.

Meaning, you always get to check what have worked for your competitors, and steal it for your SEO game.

For Ambient AI, at first, we found out 20+ direct/indirect competitors who're doing good in SEO.

And then we broke into their blog, link profile and EEAT activities, and quantified them in a very simple and straightforward way.

This paved in a way towards a secure blog marketing strategy, paired with link building and EEAT goals.

This is the summary of our SEO competition analysis framework- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1a-eOPcoi9DF-W2lvVVXSNrLCtPBYNxMlmN5AP4gE3mA/edit?usp=sharing

If you're a SaaS/Product looking for sustainable SEO leads, go ahead and identify what's your competitors are up to, and what's been working for them in SEO.

posted to
on August 4, 2023
  1. 1

    Strategic SEO insights were very helpful. Also, your approach to competitive analysis is a game changer! Very informative.

    1. 1

      Yeap. Assess, rinse, repeat, bank :D

  2. 1

    I was thinking after reading the post and analyzing the spreadsheet as well that whether this strategy works for every type of website like services website. As i'm running the roofing services website named as bluejackconstruction.comin the some cities of USA. But looking for the strong strategy to get the work done as soon as possible.
    Here is the website link

    1. 1

      Btw, the website link might be removed. Could you share me on email or linked In Dm?

    2. 1

      Well for local SEO some part of this assesment definitley makes sense, while some don't. For example, you'll get quicker ROI from local link/citations than blog marketing when it comes to capturing local leads via SEO.

      As per my list, for local businesses like yours, the priority order will change and will lean more towards better link building and GMB optimization.

  3. 1

    Completely agree, one should always keep an eye on competitors, and their activities which will be helpful to gain the opportunity in the long term. Also, Thanks for sharing this useful sheet with us!!

    1. 2

      Big hi-five! And thanks for checking the sheet out. Always happy to give back to this community.

  4. 1

    Yes, Competitor analysis in SEO is vital. It reveals rival strategies, keywords, and backlinks. Insights guide optimizations, drive rankings, and refine content for superior online performance.

    1. 1

      Yeap, it's a gambling if you don't read your competitors right before you pour in money into SEO.

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