This week's micro-SaaS acquisition opps

I was looking at acquisition marketplaces (there are a ton of them) trying to find early-stage products to buy/grow. It was a pain and I figured that meant it was also an opportunity, so I started curating the products into a newsletter.

The meat of it is pasted below. I hope it's helpful to anyone in the market.

I'd love some feedback, as this is super MVP. The main feedback I've gotten so far is that I need to include less data so that it's more readable and maybe reformat it. I plan to do that in the next issue.

πŸ”‘ Key

Format = Description: Asking price | TTM profit | monthly rev | rev multiple | target | model

❎ = Data is unavailable

πŸ’° $0-$1k opps

πŸ’°πŸ’° $1k-$5k opps

πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’° $5k-$20k opps

πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’° $20k-$50k opps

πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’° $50k-$100k opps

  1. 2

    ❎ = Data is unavailable

    The symbol must be ⊘ .. Otherwise ❎ catches more attention of the people

    1. 1

      That's a great point, thanks!

  2. 2

    I'm actually really interested in the content but ouch, hard to read...give me a table format if you're presenting it in that sort of form anyway?....the icons hurt my eyes a bit too....The descriptions could be snappier and more to the point too - e.g., "Tool that creates compelling cold emails using AI" = "AI Cold email generator'...."Personalized stock quiz that helps you find your ideal stocks" = "Personalized stock picker quiz".....and the beige font on white background is hard on the eyes too.

    Interested in the content though!

    1. 1

      Super helpful. thanks! Yeah, I think a table is the right move - I'll do that next week.

      For the descriptions, I was basically just using what the sellers wrote (with minor edits), but I think you're right. It feels less cohesive when they're all over the place.

      Interesting about the colors too, I'll switch that up. Thanks!

  3. 1

    This resource is great, thank you! I was wondering if you were open to sharing what your experience has been like purchasing these micro SaaS products. What percent are you able to improve / fail? Would be very curious to know!


    1. 2

      I'm new to it β€” I was looking for my first purchase and realized it was a pain, so I put this newsletter together. But I've spoken with lots of indie hackers doing it.

      The best example I know of is @andrewpierno. He has done it 10+ times and 6 of them are in good shape. He offloaded the other 4 (I believe at a profit). If you want to learn about this stuff, check out his blog at XO.

      I interviewed him about it here.

      1. 1

        Thanks for the shoutout @IndieJames!

      2. 1

        Awesome, thanks for these resources. Good luck!

  4. 1

    Super cool idea!

    I'd recommend some text hierarchy that would make it easier to read, that would draw your eyes to the most important info first. At the moment I don't know where to focus.
    Maybe consider a more complementary color palette. Make the important point stand out more.

    1. 1

      Great advice, thank you! Will do.

  5. 1

    This is a great idea. I'd read this every single week.

    1. 1

      Awesome, thanks for the feedback!

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