What the hell to work on next...

Hey everyone!

I'm dizzy with the options of what I could work on next for
Cloakist to hit more MRR faster.

It's a good feeling, because there are a lot of exciting opportunities out there. But it's a bad feeling because I've only got one person to work on everything (i.e. me), so I'm worried I'll choose the road that isn't the best.

Anyone have any advice on how to think about this?

Here are some of the options:

  • Create self-serve app so I'm not manually emailing customers to set them up
  • Market Cloakist more aggressively for 1 particular platform e.g. Airtable
  • Create another whole new product like http://sotion.so which I launched a couple of days ago
  • Ramp up content marketing

For every option, my imagination lets me think it could be the one that gets Cloakist growing fastest.

So I'd love your thoughts on how I should think about this, or votes on which one to do.

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    Louis, I think you're not alone with this dilemma :)

    This is how I think about mine: work out which option will get me closest to my life/business goal.

    Of course, the answer isn't always obvious, otherwise we'd all be sipping margaritas on a yacht, so pick 1 or 2 of what feels most promising and then find the quickest and cheapest way to validate it.

    At this early stage, everything is a guess. So validating that guess is what you should be focusing on. If you try something and it doesn't work, move on to the next.


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      Hey Farez - just putting down my margarita for a second and telling the yacht captain to slow down so I can reply to your post.

      Thanks a lot for this! It's really cool to know I'm not the only one who goes through this kind of thought process (in my case, almost daily). And I like the tips about validating, and about quickest and cheapest.

      For a while, I even tried to only do cheap things, on the basis that anything else could just be too big a bet. But now I think big things are OK if there's a big reason to do them.

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        Yeah, I was flying past in my jet and saw your yacht slowing down.

        You are right, it's not always about which option is cheapest/quickest. To me, it's about which option looks most promising, and then find the cheapest/quickest way to test it.

        I have a recent example. My product is a Twitter bookmarking tool. A few days ago I launched a new feature for it: public folders.

        My guess is that shareable bookmarks will add some virality to the product and bring in more traffic. And there's no other way to test this other than to just build the thing! But I can build just enough to test it without getting too fancy with the feature.

        Not sure if it's going to work but fingers crossed!

        BTW I like this option in your original post: "Market Cloakist more aggressively for 1 particular platform e.g. Airtable". It's very focused and will be easy to target potential users.


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