Please help me decide my B2B growth agency name

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Please help me decide my B2B growth agency name
  1. Adborne.com
  2. Airborne.weirdextension
  1. 5

    just get a .com

    I have a xyz domain, and I've got boomers worried about clicking on my link in the past.

  2. 3

    Adborne.com is brandable, the other is not.

  3. 3

    Weird extensions make me feel uncomfortable :(

  4. 3

    When in doubt, always go for the .com (if available)

  5. 2

    com is always better

  6. 1

    The thing that made me almost 100% team .com was watching someone try to type in DomainMe.com (Domain was Domain.me)

    Team .com from there out, also easier/more authority to mention in conversations.


    "I own Adborne.agency"


    "I founded Adborne.com"
    Or even:
    "I founded AdborneAgency.com"

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