Build product and traction in parallel

Hi there,

Building product first has always been my tempting for me. Marketing and traction building has always come second. This time around, my goal is to mix it up and work on messaging to gain some traction.

I just launched a waitlist for the product, which is a sharing marketplace called Duffel where friends can list items they don't need anymore. I'd love your feedback on it!

I hope that I can get a few folks interested in the product and refine the messaging. This would buy me some time to build out an MVP and target customer needs.

posted to
Goal Setters
on January 12, 2022
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    The landing page looks super odd, but after 5 minutes staring into it, I figured out what you're up to!
    I like the idea and that I know how you can monetize it in future. I'd say your main competitor are Instagram stories. Just keep your product for selling to friends only. I'm sure there are many girls who want to exchange stuff with their friends. It's stressful to sell things you love to randoms, so keeping it exclusive will work out.
    Will be happy to help you grow it!

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      Thanks for the feedback Denis! I'm wondering what you specifically thought was odd and what you'd change?

      It's stressful to sell things you love to randoms, so keeping it exclusive will work out

      Glad this part resonated. Also, its interesting that you say the main competitor is Instagram stories. How so?

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        When my friends want to sell or exchange something, they make an IG story saying that.
        Remove huge green pic, it doesn't bring clarity.
        Just saw that you write "unused". Why? I want to exchange what I already used. Like tshirt with some guy I know who's got a cooler tshirt.
        Put H1 higher.
        This info about Americans doesn't make people want the product more.

        I'd change the slogan to - Simple way to exchange items with people you know.

        Let's go to Twitter DM.

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          I just launched a waitlist for the product, which is a sharing marketplace called Duffel where friends can list items they don't need anymore. I'd love your feedback on it!

          I think this site is somewhat in the vein of Depop, except on Duffel people don't actually sell anything. I think you should see this as an exchange site. If I have an authentic jersey from '92, I want X for it instead. Who has it? This site might be cool for collectors in that way.

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