Pandas + DAG

Hey guys,

I'd really appreciate some feedback / direction on a project that I have been working on for the last 6 months. It's called Glue. https://gluedata.io/

In its current form it's a desktop app built using electron. The app provides an interface to pandas allowing the user to chain together processing nodes that wrap pandas functionality. These nodes combine into a directed acyclic graph.

I currently have a few nodes built out, standard input, output and a series of transformation nodes, filter, aggregate, join, column (performs rename, drop, as_type). There is also a python lambda node that allows the user to write custom python code in an embedded vscode editor (using monaco).

I used to be a data scientist but mostly do development these days. I have been using Glue in my day job for odd task. e.g. quickly drag in a csv (or connect to a database) and perform some quick transformations and filters.

I'm trying to figure out what to build next, and would love some feedback / insight from other data science / engineer type folks that work with data on a regular basis.


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