Curated list of remote part-time freelance gigs

I am starting to curate a list of remote part-time freelance gigs suitable for people that want to start a consulting business or do indie hacking and make some money freelancing on the side ...
I want to know if this would be useful for enough people and if so I will build a platform around this niche.

Here is the WIP list: https://5567591297095.gumroad.com/l/freegs

  1. 1

    This would be great. But its not easy to come by them. However, no harm in asking clients if they'd be willing to accept part-time. This is how I landed my last part-time gig.

  2. 1

    They're certainly hard to come by. I've spent some time recently trying to track down software development freelance gigs that can be done remotely AND part-time, but they seem very elusive to say the least.

    Not sure I quite get how this could work as a hand-crafted Notion list though? Unless you're linking to actual job boards and marketplaces that feature these types of jobs.

  3. 1

    I will share the outcome here

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