IRS Delay With Stripe Atlas

Hey Everyone!

has anyone recently incorporated in Delaware using Stripe Atlas? We applied on 25 April and our application is stuck at the IRS waiting for a Tax ID so that we can open a bank account.

I'm trying to figure out how long it will take and can't seem to get any answers from the folks at Stripe Atlas or the IRS.

Any help would be massively appreciated.

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    Stripe Atlas can request an EIN on your company's behalf through an expedited process that takes 7 - 14 business days if you have a Social Security number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number. If you are waiting longer than the period I have mentioned, then I think it is time to get a lawyer and find out what is happening. I recommend hiring a lawyer from advocatenkantoor-logemann.nl. A lawyer from this company helped me a lot when I had some issues paying the taxes, so I think they would also help you with your problem.

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    Have you tried calling the IRS?

    I incorporated shortly after the government shutdown (late February 19), so my EIN got delayed as well. Someone from the Atlas team reached out to me and told me that occasionally IRS doesn’t send the EIN confirmation letter to the third-party designee (Atlas partners with someone who receives the EIN on your behalf), and wants to talk to a taxpayer before issuing one.

    So, I called the IRS, answered a few questions, and they faxed my EIN confirmation letter to the fax number given by Atlas. Folks from Atlas told me they will handle the bank account part themselves (I sent the Filed Employer Identification Number to SVB regardless, just to stop those scary-looking emails).

    Reach out to [email protected], ask for the fax number and IRS phone number (with instructions), and call the IRS yourself.

    Have a look at this thread as well (you have to be logged in to your Stripe account): https://discuss.stripe.community/t/13252/

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