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3 Lessons Learned while Roasting Your SaaS" (#1-1)


I regularly roast your SaaS products to extreme detail while providing accessible strategies to grow your SaaS quickly.

For the curious, here's an example.

If you are interested in having your SaaS deeply roasted, click here.

However, if you are interested in learning 3 factors that you ca use to grow your SaaS while you read this drinking a cup of coffee mixed with your favorite nootropic, continue onward.


For whatever reason, you have deduced that your SaaS needs a new system - probably because:

  • everyone is using it.
  • everyone says you should use it.
  • you feel that you are being left behind .
  • you just want to save time and getting the most recommended version.

However, in the end, you now have a new system that you can use to grow your business.

Hopeful prospects ahead, right?


However, that new systems create more problems.

For reasons that you either ignored or were blindsided by the following outcomes:

  • the software is incredibly cumbersome to add into your workflow.
  • the RoI is not fast enough.
  • or worse, it has now become a blocking bottleneck for your SaaS.

So, what now?

Here are solutions for implementing new systems.

First, I will first give credit to Carl Seidman to also helping me better understand how different systems are beneficial depending on the life stage of your company.

I recommend if you are interested in applying revenue systems with your SaaS, then give this episode a listen here

Continuing on the topic of implementing systems better, here are a few solutions to use before and during implementing new systems into your business:

  • Have a clear diagnosis of the problem. Before buying a new system (or creating one of your own), you should have a clear scope of thr problem so you can administer solutions correctly. Otherwise, you invite factors that can actually be proactively avoided.
  • Have a North Star metric - both overall and within specific segments within your business to fast-track decision-making. Having a North Star Metric simplifies decision-making quickly. If you are ever confused to whether or not to integrate a new solution into your SaaS - always check with your North Star Metric (usually backed by an objective goal) to validate the decision to proceed with or without that SaaS solution.
  • Track the costs of time, operations setup, learning curve, onboarding curve against the defined RoI. Prepare yourself against the hidden costs of integrating a new system - which is more than just pricing. How will this system be implemented within your SaaS? How long will it take to onboard others? Is this the right solution for your SaaS tool at this time in your company?
  • Expect to outgrow your current SaaS software. As your SaaS grows, your team changes and so will your systems ultimately, too. Don't get too attached to operations and be ready for change - especially during the growth stage of your SaaS.
  • Your systems are only as good as your output. At the end of the day, what truly matters is the output of your systems. Are you reaching your OKRs within the set frame? Can this new solution actually be a value-adding solution or will it be a blocking bottleneck?

We use a set of different tools to track different areas of our digital assets, such as:

  • A Growth Model to track numerical data. (Does this software make sense to integrate and what impact would this have on our KPIs in regards to reaching our OKRs?)
  • A Daily Tracker to track narrative/contextual data (How would this Daily Tracker be better integrated into our systems? How long would it take for them to be onboarded with this system to start generating RoI?)
  • A comprehensive 22-subject framework to troubleshoot problems through a step-by-step diagnosis procedure. (What specific problem is this solution is solving within our business? How does this solution (though addressing a segment of our business) affect the entire business overall?)

Of course, we use analytics tools (such as ahrefs, KissMetrics, and Mixpanel) for ourselves but we also intake that through internal data tracking processes to integrate it better into our systems.

It is better to have internal tracking systems so your SaaS can enact faster decisions without taking too long to take action

If you're interested in getting your SaaS set up to achieve higher growth-related objectives, you can get started with a FREE, IN-DEPTH Growth Roast by clicking here.

Click here to get tuned for #1-2 where we discuss how very few SaaS companies are created WITHOUT the mind here.

posted to Icon for group Startups
on January 1, 2024
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