3 min post got me 4100 visits & 150 users

👁️ Over 4000 visits
👩‍🚀 150+ new users
🔗 50+ dofollow backlinks

Welcome to the today's episode of https://onigiri.one adventures!

I've made a post at HN https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40220699#40229587 last week without any pink glasses. I didn't expect anything from it.

Actually I dropped it really quick post inspired by Marc Lou's video where he's sharing his advices regarding HN.

And here are all the details I want to share about it how it went out for me.

First things first.

What I think worked well regarding the HN launch and what I should follow next time

  1. Be honest. I told everything as it is without any overpromising or to sellish bullshit
  2. Tell what and for whom you building. The approach I followed was: I made X for Y pattern. Which is actually clearly describes idea & purpose
  3. Be short & specific.
  4. Support the convo. Comments were nice and very helpful. I've made few fixes right away based on them & notes the whole list of the things should be fixed.

What are the numbers after the HN launch?

👁️ 4100 visits
👩‍🚀 150+ new users
🔗 50+ dofollow backlinks
📈 3.5% avg conversion rate to registration
📢 10+ mentions on other services
⭐️ 2 times featured on
💬 5 people contacted me regarding the Onigiri on various topics

And the main takeaways here as well regarding the Onigiri itself

  1. Bring the fucking "pricing" link to the navigation of your LP. People were living just because they didn't saw it. As soon as I've added it – boom, churn decreased
  2. Freemium. For my type of product it's mandatory. I would at it ASAP
  3. I've analysed more than 1000+ sessions of my LP already with
    and discovered that people scroll around 1.25 of screen size in average. Now I need to change the priorities of the info regarding this knowledge I have
  4. My pricing is not clear. Need to make it more clear & obvious
  5. Still need to cover some of the basic functions but seems I'm on the right track with that

Hope you'll find this helpful! Cheers!

posted to
on May 6, 2024
  1. 1

    Love your site honestly. What's the stack?

  2. 3

    I noticed if you write posts from the heart, they get more views and interactions. More and more people getting obsessed with AI writing, which is always the same and quite boring. Good luck on your journey! Let's write more spontaneous posts and be real.

    1. 3

      Yeah, hate AI-generated posts, and even more comments. Actually there's no soul & personality behind this.

      I've chosen honest and not hustle strategy back in the days and still go with it. I move much slower than the guys who hyping & hustling around and throw a lot of dust in the eyes but still think that it's the right, fucking real tbh path then the others

  3. 2

    Your landing page is very nicely designed. HackerNews is the best for customers.

  4. 2

    Congrats! Doing well on hackernews can be a huge boon. It's important to hit it at the right moment though, they don't like too much repeated promo. Congrats again on the big post!

  5. 1

    Great site, and interesting product. The tools section doesn't fit though. At first I thought these would be tools related to the invoicing app, but they seem to be more related to freelancing in general (with podcasts etc). Is it meant to be a filler?

  6. 1

    HN gives great feedback, though it certainly is skewed towards the privacy conscience power user. Got 300ish new users by posting there a few days ago!

  7. 1

    Congrats! Gotta learn from this and apply it to our site!

  8. 1

    Great job on your Hacker News post! Your honesty and clarity paid off with over 4000 visits, 150+ new users, and 50+ backlinks. Your insights on improving your product are spot on. Keep up the good work!

  9. 1

    This is a fantastic and transparent breakdown.

  10. 1

    I love your website,the interface is super creative!

  11. 1

    Congratulations! Your homepage looks genuinely impressive. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  12. 1

    Congratulations, the homepage looks great

  13. 1

    Congrats on this! I also considered building something like this a few months ago, but then found very suitable solutions that are completely free. But you'll prove to me another time that there's plenty of room for more competition.

  14. 1

    Thanks, good job, I'll try my best to replicate your luck! :))
    Out of interest, did anyone convert to a paying user?

    1. 1

      Instantly not. For some reasons that's because of the improvements I need to make, from the other hand product don't have free plan so they are on the 14-day trial and soon may convert

  15. 1

    Congrats! I tried to post on HN, but my post didn't get any traction 🙈

    1. 2

      Thank you! Hope you'll got this later. I've failed several times & I bet would fail in the future cause anyways luck is something that happens or not, no silver bullet around this

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