3 Pre-sales for my community platform

So its embarrassing to say this but I used Gumroad to set up a pre-sale process. I had not realized my first sale was over a month ago and was feeling those founder blues not realizing this. I was never notified by Gumroad. I found out on twitter that someone tagged me and advised me that they purchased. This was a bout a week ago. This got lost in my twitter feed @svc2_ I just today signed into my Gumroad account and there were 3 sales. Im excited but stressed that I was never able to get a follow up email out them in a reasonable time at least thanking them.

Let me know if you want to know what I did.

posted to
on February 25, 2021
  1. 2

    Nice! That is not too bad, Gumroad probably sent them something already so now it is good to share your personal note.
    Can you share your gumroad page? Interested too see :)

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      Thanks Ruben, Here's the page. Let me know if you have any questions.


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        I linke dit to my pricing page in my Carrd website.

        1. 2

          I like the simplicity! Well done :)
          I would recommend to make the images with actual text instead of lorem ipsum, or like black bars over the text.
          For the Gumroad: did people already pay? Or have they signed up but not yet paid?

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            Hi Ruben could you show me an example of the images with actual text? Maybe somewhere where you've seen this?

            People have paid yes. $5 dollars today to lock themselves in at $10/Premium for life. 17 left so far out of 20.

            I have 39 on a waitlist.

  2. 2

    Congrats! Nothing to be embarrassed about - awesome work. I'm sure that they will forgive you for the lack of follow up, and if you can get 3 sales I'm sure you can get 30 more.

    1. 1

      Thanks Louis! Cheers to that.

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