Just Published My Own Books

Hello indiehackers,

Roony here, I wanted to share one of my acomplishments with you. I just published some of my own written books online on my store website for you guys to check it out. Link below.

I started writing these books on my free time and wasn't really serious about them, just wanted to explore my abilities in writing and abstract thinking.
I came across gumroad as it's been a massive huge success among the other internet products online. I eventually ended up opening a website with gumroad and started to post my books there. I have successfully published multiple book (like 8 or 9) and I'm looking forward to some marketing strategies where I can get some sales and work toward it.

Links are provided below, make sure to check it out, it won't cost you a penny unless you want to make a purchase.


Use this code below to get 25% off of all products:

Let me know what you think in comments.

  1. 1

    Insane price (atm it's $1,559.99). I know courses with well-known marketing "gurus" that cost that much but good luck. You might want add more details about what's inside; like maybe the content's outline. There's not enough information about the book to make me feel confident in even buying it at $0.99.

    "Just believe in yourself."

    "Don't Miss This Out Or You Will Regret It."


    1. 2

      agree, especially the beginning is encouraging - "I started writing these books on my free time and wasn't really serious about them". Seems he wasn't really serious till the moment he decided it would cost 1.5k

    2. 1

      I have recently lowered the price after I got some feedback for my product. I believe now it's more reasonable and worth the price. I'm just trying to share my knowledge that I have with fellow individuals out there in the world. Maybe for a fee or for free.

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