Help me become AGPL compliant from OS project?

Hello first time entrepreneur, and was recently made aware of that I am not properly meeting the AGPL requirements for an OS software on which I used to build my Micro-SaaS.

Here are the requirements:

Users of AGPL-licensed code must:

  • Include a copy of the full license text and the original copyright notice

  • State all significant changes made to the original software

  • Make available the source code when you distribute any works based on the licensed software

  • Include any installation information necessary to update and reinstall the software if the program is being used as part of a consumer device

I understand the part where I have to make the code available as Open Source (and I am working through that) but I am a little lost at the Giving "proper attribution" to the original project. What does proper attribution look like and what should I do to meet the requirement and give the proper credit!

I launched about a week ago and this is what I had on our "about us" page giving the original project "plausible" credit ( https://www.getmangoo.com/about ) of the software but looks like this may not cut it?? What should I do to become compliant.

I decided to launch from a OS solution because I love their product and I believe I can also help other customers around the world better reach this type of product and I also plan of adding some features from feedback from customers.

Thanks in advance!

posted to
Open Source
on December 16, 2022
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    Here's what I would do (not legal advice as I'm not a lawyer):

    The complete source code of your project (frontend, backend, everything) needs to be available online for everyone to download. If you can, use GitHub for that. Your modified source code also needs to be placed under the AGPL license, meaning that others can build on top of it or that they can incorporate your changes back into Plausible.

    On the about page, create the following sections:

    Mangoo is open source

    Mangoo is open source software released under the AGPLv3. Its source code can be found on GitHub: <Put a link to the source code here>

    We use the following open source software

    Plausible Analytics (AGPLv3) Copyright © 2022 <Put the name of the copyright holder here -> probably the name of the company developing Plausible>

    Our modifications are the following:

    • Change 1
    • Change 2

    (Make sure you don't forget the links from the section above.)

    Google around if there's anything else you need to do (there might be other stuff that I'm missing right now), but that should be a good start.

    1. 2

      Hey @nikwen appreciate your response sounds like a good idea!

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