Life Dashboard

I have been toying with the idea of developing a customisable dashboard tailored for life management. Imagine having the capability to monitor, track and organise what's important to you by adding/re-arranging widgets on your dashboard.

Validating this idea fast would be ideal, since it's widget based there's really an endless route of both first and third party integrations you could have e.g. todo list, note taking, habit tracking, pomodoro/timer, reminders, ...

I'm curious if this sounds like an application you would use, what widget/combination of widgets would need to be present for you to consider signing up?

My focus would be on providing both functional widgets and analytical ones that display some trends over time e.g. "You have completed 14 tasks this week..."

TLDR: Modular dashboard that allows you to implement/track the things that matter to you.

Is this something you would consider using?
  1. yes
  2. no
  3. maybe
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