Competitor Copying Ads- Help?

Hey guys, currently facing a situation:

  1. I'm part of a consultancy, running ads for a grocery shop to hire local leaders to run community purchases.
  2. Client discovers a competitor (hiring local leaders too but for a different service - airconditioning) running exactly same ads (except visuals) and asks us why they're running the same ads.
  3. We don't know the competitor, never seen before, so merely a copying case.

Not sure if we write in or report it, if it would even do anything since the visuals are different, except that the text is entirely the same (primary text).

Just wanted to hear what you guys think I should do.. Or shouldn't.

  1. 2

    Make a new AD campaign around it.
    Brainstorm & put those visuals in your next ad set.
    Complying your competitors even follow you.

  2. 2

    Ads texts fall under copyright, so this sounds like an infringement. If it's digital, there are several take down companies you can turn to. If not, you can ask an IP lawyer (a short initial consultation on what the problem is usually free). Most often, they advise to contact the other party in written to demand the removal of the ads. If that doesn't work, the infringement intention is officially clarified and the next warrant comes from the lawyer.

  3. 1

    Hey guys, thanks for the comments. I dropped a polite email requesting for a removal with screenshots and dates, citing the next step to be sending a cease and desist letter should they fail to remove it within the next 24h.
    They did and apologised.

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