Building a boilerplate for Shopify themes. Tell me what to include (and ask me for a favor in return)

Hi fellow Shopify developers.

Need your feedback on the first IH product idea I am working on. Feel free to ask for a favor in return: I can roast your landing page, beta test your product, act as a rubber duck, you name it!

I am building a (slightly opinionated) boilerplate for Shopify theme development. My goal is to make it faster to start a theme from scratch and save some time during development as well .

At a high level, it includes Themekit, Tailwind CSS, vanilla JS and a build tool.

My target audience are developers who are experienced in general but not necessarily with Shopify. I want to give them a clear path and toolkit to get started (without having to learn all about Slate, only to find out later that it has been dropped).

I'd really love to hear some thoughts on what else I should include to make this really valuable (maybe even for seasoned Shopify developers).

  1. 1

    I'd actually be interested in discussing some help on building an app, have you ever made any?

    1. 1

      A couple. What kind of help are you looking for?

  2. 1

    I have seen a trend for headless ecomm.

    It seems like that is growing and I personally prefer growing niches.

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