Domain Extension Alternatives For AI Startups

There has been a rise in popularity of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and automation companies/apps and services. As such, there has also been a noticeable rise in popularity/demand in the .ai domain extension.

The .ai domain extension is the country-code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Anguilla. Anguilla is a small main island along with many offshore islets in the Eastern Caribbean British Overseas Territory. The .ai extension has become very popular among artificial intelligence companies as a way to signal their focus on AI-related products or services or to signal to others that they are an AI company.

If you are planning to launch an AI app/company and need a domain but can't get a good .ai domain name, then consider these extensions that have seen some adoption within the ai world.

This is also assuming you cannot get your preferred domain in the .com extension


The .io extension is the country code for the British Indian Ocean Territory but was adopted by many within tech and repurposed to stand for Input/Output, a well known term in tech and/or computer science.

.tech or .technology:

The .tech top-level domain (TLD) is a novel internet extension that made its debut in 2014. This TLD has been exclusively designed to cater to tech companies, startups, and individuals working within the technology industry. The .tech TLD offers a more specialized and distinctive virtual space for such entities to build their online presence.


The .co domain extension is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Colombia. The .co domain extension has been repurposed to stand for company, community or commerce. Despite it being a ccTLD, it has long been regarded as a generic extension since being repurposed, much like .io.

The .bot domain extension is owned by Amazon and was originally designed for individuals and/or companies who own/operate bots or provide services related to bots.

However, Amazon has recently lifted the above mentioned restrictions to make the .bot domain extension available for general registration. Meaning that anyone can register a .bot TLD regardless of their affiliation to bots.

.bot could be another natural choice for those in the AI industry as bots are synonymous with Artificial Intelligence.


The .pro is a unique and specialized domain extension that was originally intended for use by licensed professionals, such as doctors, lawyers, and accountants, to showcase their credentials and establish credibility online. However, it has gained some traction in various industries, one of which is tech.

Even though "pro" is short for professional, many like to append the word or make it a part of their brand name to signify quality, proficiency and expertise. Some examples are Chat GPT Pro and GoPro


The .design TLD is intended for designers but design can span the gamut from interior designer/companies to web design. It can also be a good extension for those within the AI world to build their company and brand on. The very foundation of AI is intelligent design and .design might be ideal for AI site generators, logo makers, content generators and so forth.


The .app top-level domain (TLD) is a new internet extension that was introduced in 2018. It is intended for use by apps and app developers. However, the .app TLD is also another extension that is a favorite of tech people and has been used by all types of tech industry subsects such as SaaS, gaming, no code, AI, etc.

Honorable Mention:

.chat for chatbot/large language model apps or tools
.art for generative art platforms.
.dev is for devs but depending on what kind of AI company and/or service you provide, .dev can also make sense and be a viable option.


.ml is the ccTLD for the country of Mali and there have been some in the AI industry that have adopted this extension and re-branded the extension to represent Machine Learning, which is a subset of Artificial Intelligence.


The .iq extension is the country code for Iraq but as we all know, the term "IQ" which means Intelligence Quotient and has been used interchangeably with the word smart and intellect. The .iq could be a potential extension used by some within AI.

If there are any extensions you feel should have made the list please feel free to state which ones in the comments

The other good thing about the ccTLD’s on this list is they have open registration. Meaning, you don't have to be a citizen or hold residency in the country to register a domain name of the corresponding ccTLD.

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Artificial Intelligence
on December 24, 2023
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