Summary of Cal Newport's Deep Work

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    Wow! Absolutely love this newsletter! I spent the whole morning reading this book review plus other available newsletters! Thank you, Colin! Keep up the good work!

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      Thank you @camelliayang! Appreciate it! And appreciate the sub as well!

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    I really like the format of your book summary! A lot of book summaries online seem to be a list of disconnected bullet points that are hard to refer to if you need a refresher, but this one is well organized and has a lot of actionable advice. Looking forward to more.

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      Thank you! I’m so glad you picked up on that. I studied my competition months ago and saw exactly that. My next one will be Breakthrough Advertising.

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        Oh and also, thank you for the sub, @kneecaps!!!

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    Didn't expected much, but HOLY **** got a few gems from your piece!
    Actually even something that seems to be a major part of my focus struggle.

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      Thank you! Appreciate the compliment. :)

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        @vinibrito - Can I ask for some extra feedback? Did you subscribe or not? If so, why? If not, why not? I'm trying to figure out if it's tech, value, or some other weird niggle preventing people from signing up. Thanks!

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          Look, I'm quite excentric and you'll rarely find people like me out there. So don't take me as a representative of a big group. But here it goes:

          Nope, didn't subscribed, while it was a cool quick read while I took a break, I'm only interested in unique in-depth stuff that leads me to mastery.

          What is your content up against? Check Darren Hardy's course insane productivity program, which is what I'm actually invested into and going through. That's 100000x more depth and mastery and in a better packaged and communicated way.
          I'm subscribed to Darren's "Darren Daily" and I watch his videos daily. Super recommend.

          Rarely someone takes my advice in the short term, usually only after years of struggle, but I give it nonetheless: Create something based on mastery and depth, ironically just like that specific book urged you to!

          Also, I was already familiar with that book, that's why I took some time to read the summary, was curious about your format because in your pitch you mention doing it differently than the usual bullet point (or point blank?) format and I was interested in seeing if I liked it and if there was anything I could learn from it, as I communicate with everyone, clients, users, vendors, and even write instructive material with a very personal tone.

          P.S: Yes, I did got a specific gem from your summary, but just that won't cut it. The program I mentioned is all encompassing, so with it I can "cut it" and be insanely productive.

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            Wish I could upvote you more. Thank you for your in-depth and well thought-out response. This is the kind of feedback that helps me refine my market position further.

            I completely agree with your advice, and those products are in the pipeline, but that's not what Osmosis is. Depth and mastery courses are backend offers, $500 - $5000 courses, workshops, etc.

            Thank you so much again @vinibrito

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    Hey everyone, I've launched a newsletter called Osmosis where I summarize books on entrepreneurship, growth and spirituality. The first book I summarized is Deep Work by Cal Newport. Would love your feedback and of course, if you like it, sign up for more!

    I'm going for a Jon Stewart/John Oliver style here, where it's an entertaining summary with jokes and memes as opposed to other summary services where it's a bunch of bullets.

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    This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

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      This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

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        Thank you @Monk85. You're not the first to say this. If you don't mind me asking, can you tell me what you thought of the "Premise in a Paragraph" section? Was that not a strong enough 1-minute summary? (It's about 100 words, so more like a 24s summary assuming average reader reads at 250wpm).

        And yeah, more attribution. I'll fix that today. We had close friend tell that to us as well this past weekend.

        Finally, I don't know if you subscribed or not, but either way, can you tell me why you did or didn't?

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          This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

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            That helps a LOT @Monk85. Really appreciate you sharing so openly. Every bit helps.

            re: sub -- hmm... that's a good point. I don't think it's possible in Ghost right now. I'm playing around with my test profile. It looks like I can unsubscribe from ALL email newsletters altogether, but not be selective about it. I'll ping their forum to see if that's a feature they'd consider. (I suspect not though, as Ghost is meant to be a Substack alternative, which is basically a newsletter).

            On that note as well though -- I think Deep Work will be my only completely free summary. The rest will be behind an email-wall and most will be behind the paywall.

            Sorry, I'm rambling now. Thank you so much again for the feedback!!!

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              This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

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                YES! Thank you for sharing that thought about the half-free, half-paid model. Ghost actually has "public preview" now and I intend to use that (basically you can make the top big open to the public, and the rest behind an email or pay wall).

                And yes, I know I'm competing on quantity right now. I know I need more "product" in the library before I can really compete. At this point, my paid subscribers are "believers" who are supporting this concept more than getting total value. But yeah, thank you for the feedback.

                I appreciate all your comments. :)

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                  This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

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