Offline first, end-to-end encrypted notes

What's up Indie Hackers, I wanted to get your feedback on a new project I've been working on.

It's called PrivaNote (https://privanote.xyz), it's an offline first note taking application. You can additionally choose to sync your notes (end-to-end encrypted) with Portabella.

I'll be releasing a browser extension that replaces your default "new tab" page. That means when you open a new tab you get PrivaNote, notes are just a CMD (or CTRL) + N away.

If there's a few bugs that's to be expected as it's not totally finished just yet. I'll also be writing a bunch of documentation to make that PrivaNote <> Portabella experience as straight forward as possible.

Here's a video of it in action.

Interested to hear what you think!

  1. 2

    Cool idea! I did that you're trying to bring e2e to everything. Is your idea that you'll use Portabella as sort of the base service and you'll build tools that can use it as its central store?

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      So my thought is that during 2021 I want to do a lot more marketing, Portabella as it stands is reasonably feature complete as an end-to-end encrypted project management solution.

      I built an API for a big client, and then thought OK so I have this API and an SDK for end-to-end encryption, what else should I build?

      The first was Portabella Feedback (https://portabella.io/feedback), it's a widget you can embed on your site and get user feedback sent straight to your boards, end-to-end encrypted of course.

      Now I'm doing PrivaNote, which is using the same SDK but probably appeals to many more people. I've personally been using it to jott down notes with the extension I've created that overrides the newtab functionality of your browser.

      Hopefully these start to create a buzz around Portabella and it takes off!

      1. 2

        Cool! Sounds like clear angle to sell people on rather than just "X, but better"

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