Colleges near miami

What is the best college near miami? I would prefer the ones with a good campus area.

posted to
on May 16, 2022
  1. 1

    Well, this might not be exactly what you want. But if you're just looking to get a degree in CS https://www.uopeople.edu/ is really good and tuition-free. This way you can live in Miami, hang out at any campus you like and just do your degree in the library.

    Talk about hacking the collage experience.

  2. 1

    I would also like to know some good Colleges near Miami. I am graduating High School this year, and I am originally from Los Angeles, so it is why I want to attend a College near Miami FL. I know that this is something that many people are graduating from, but I am interested in a Business and Administration degree. I already have made a list of Colleges I want to be accepted to. Still, I am afraid of being rejected because I know that it is hard to be accepted into a College in Los Angeles, especially in Miami.

  3. 1

    I know that in Miami there are some good Medical Colleges

  4. 1

    I would also like to know some good Colleges near Miami

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