Show IH: Create blog from scratch using AI, increase traffic using SEO


this is my new project: https://www.simulai.co I have created a tool which you can use to create your new blog from scratch with 1000s of posts (with your custom domain). You provide topics related to your business/startup and we are generating posts for you automatically using AI. I think this will be new normal, that's why I decided to start this tool.

You can check our own blog, which was generated using our own tool. I have used this tool for one of my other projects and I have doubled amount of traffic within a week.

What do you think?

Best regards,

  1. 2

    please post a link to the case study where this has worked (i.e. "doubled traffic two times within a week". )

    1. 1

      I added to main landing page

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          No, one of my other projects

          1. 1

            Because I noticed that it works that is why I decided to build simulai

            1. 1

              but the technology is the same

  2. 1

    Sounds something right up my alley. I would give this a try. How long is the trial available for?

    1. 1

      Trial is just to check what titles and content is being generated, that's it. It is not full version

  3. 1

    That's great, man! It would be a valuable addition to my list of tools that I use for my daily SEO tasks.

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      Please give feedback if you are going to use it

  4. 1

    There are already a lot of AI writing tools available. During my research, many of them are just a few prompts away from the OpenAI API or something like that.

    This niche is already saturated, so to distinguish yourself, you need to possess at least one exceptional feature. What sets you apart from the rest?

    And one more thing about this 'increase traffic' thing: Simply producing more content doesn't really help since there are over 200 factors Google use to rank their search results.

    1. 1

      I can say, that it worked for one of my projects, I increased traffic two times within a week, so, really, it works. Of course, it may not work for everybody, you probably need already established some domain authority in Google and topics which you will use need to be relevant to your business

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