4 interviews with 4 founders and creators, working on wildly different things


I've thought many times about making YouTube videos as content marketing for side projects I'm working on. For the newest project I'm working on, I said I should just do it, and so I followed through.

In about 2 weeks, I got 4 interviews with 4 founders. Because I was mainly interested in getting this done quickly, I had a very lose idea of the topic and the structure.

The videos are short because I thought that would be a plus for anyone watching the videos. But it turned out to be an advantage for making them as well: the interviews were only 15-min calls and the editing took about an hour each (the first one took a good 3 hours, but I got faster at it).

I had a lot of fun doing these interviews, and learned a lot about the basics of editing videos.

I would like to continue but I think it's a point where I now I should think more about a solid theme and structure for the videos, and what my channel will be about.

If you watch these and like them, do subscribe!

If you watch these and would like to do an interview, please leave a comment or send me an email [email protected]. Also comment or send emails if you have any tips, ideas or feedback!

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