Is the group still active?

Hi 👋
I wonder if the group is still active or if there is a German equivalent to IH community?

There are a bunch of questions, specific to German / EU market, and it would be nice to have a place to discuss those.

  1. 1

    I just found my way here. How is your search for german group going? Did you find any german communities?

    1. 1

      Hi and welcome!

      I haven’t found a dedicated community of indie hackers in Germany yet 🤷‍♂️

      There are some FB groups, but it’s mostly spam and no real activity.

  2. 1

    Determining the activity of a group depends on the context. If it's a social media or online group, check recent posts, comments, and member engagement. In offline groups, attend a meeting or event to assess activity. Regular participation and communication indicate an active group, while inactivity suggests otherwise.

  3. 1

    Hey Samir,

    Just discovered this group.

    Iam from germany, you too?

  4. 1

    Visit Their Platform: Go to the platform where the group is hosted, such as a social media site or forum, and check for recent activity.

    Recent Posts: Look for recent posts, comments, or discussions within the group. Active groups will have regular interactions.

    Membership: Check if new members are joining. A growing membership often indicates an active group.

    Admin Activity: See if the group administrators or moderators are active and posting updates.

    Reach Out: If in doubt, post a query or message within the group to inquire directly about its current status.

  5. 1

    Yes the group is active

  6. 1

    Seems like there is not much going on in this group.
    I, personally, don't know lots of German Indie Hackers.
    All the founders are probably in Berlin somewhere collecting VC money ;)

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