What are non technical founders pain points?

As non-technical founder, what are the top 5 biggest obstacles you encounter, from a technical points of view, at any given stage of you biz dev?

posted to
Customer Research
on January 6, 2023
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    If your product is very technical, you'll have credibility issues in giving your opinion on the roadmap and the different features you want to implement.
    It could also be problematic to estimate the time it could take to deploy your features.

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      Product owner or product manager are often/usually the ones having the final say in product roadmap, despite have little to zero technical skills. Their job is to define requirements/features, prioritize them. The technical team usually give estimates of how long implementation of features would take for each one. From there PO or PM prioritize based on market conditions, budgets, management (and/or end users, if it's an internal product)...Etc.

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    Being a non tech founder myself, I think the product horizons seems limited, initially.

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    Understanding how a software build, what is the data flow. How from one click on the screen the data saved in a database

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      Let's say you are in a team where you are part of the non-technical part of the operation in a SaaS project. How would knowing that info be useful to you? Could you please give (1 or 2) examples? I would appreciate to know more about your point of view.

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        If you were a solopreneur, how would you answer the question, in that specific case?

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    1. Accurate time to deploy certain features (however, over time you'll get a better understanding).
    2. Building complex databases/admin panels that would be messy if built with no-code tools.
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      No-code is great. But as you mention, I do suspect, they have their limitations. Have you encountered such limitations? If so, how did you overcome those limitations?

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