VPS vs Cloud hosting? What do you prefer?

Long story short:
I'm afraid of cloud hosting because of two things:

  1. I've never worked with it before
  2. It can get expensive (in case of Ddos attack/bug or high traffic)
    But of course that it has the biggest benefits.

On the other hand, VPS is kind of cheap, you don't have to worry about paying more than you agreed to, I have little experience with it.

It can sound stupid that I already fear high traffic/attacks/things go wrong, but I like to prepare myself for things before jumping into conclusions, and I also wanted to hear what are your thoughts about this.

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    Nothing to be afraid of, failing mostly leads to learning. I would go with something like Digitalocean. It's super easy to use and quite affordable. There are a lot of noob-friendly guides on their website.
    ex. https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/initial-server-setup-with-ubuntu-18-04

    I started with 0 experience many years ago and their guides were more than enough to get me started.

    I also don't think you need to worry about DDoS attacks. But hooking up Cloudflare certainly helps with attacks and high traffic. Takes a few minutes to set up.

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      Thanks for the answer!
      I actually heard good things about digitalocean - a lot of indiehackers prefer it over AWS as I've seen.

      Gonna check it out :)

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    As part of the cloud pvoider team, I advise you to use a VPS. It is a more flexible solution. Manyproviders allow you to scale VPS resources as your project evolves. If you need to increase the amount of RAM or CPU, you can easily do that. You can do thas not only with Digitalocean, but also with Serverspace, for example, or other VPS provider. VPS also makes it possible to install most of the software.

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    I think @cloudbuddies can give a good opinion here.

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    In my opinion it's not not "VPS vs Cloud" for your case. I think "first VPS then Cloud" would be the right approach:

    Start with lowcost VPS server to build your application and start with your product,
    but ensure automatic deplyoment.
    When your product is worth it or you need more performance just switch to cloud.

    Because a proper deployment process does not care about the host (vps or cloud) to deploy your application.

    The Argument "Cloud needs less time for maintaining" does not work in my eyes. You have also consider updates and security and you have to face additional challanges according to cloud computing) It saves only time on the machine startup (done with a few clicks)

  5. 1

    Hmm, such a dilemma. Given that both are storage systems, they are somewhat different. The strong point of the VPS is the idea that it isn't very expensive and also you have to pay just a fixed amount of money, which is established at the beginning of the purchase. Cloud hosting can also be a good option, especially if you're already used to it. But if you still don't know what to choose, try VPS hosting from Time4VPS, which has a cloud-based infrastructure. In this way, you satisfy both of your desires. This hosting is very secure, with affordable prices and customer service available to customers 24/7.

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