Why install Wordpress locally

Reasons to install wordpress locally: Security & Convenience

Learn how to install WordPress locally and do more.

  1. Why install WordPress locally?

  2. Downloading the Bitnami installer

  3. Installing the software

  4. Logging in to your local WordPress site

  5. Why install WordPress locally?

When a fully functioning WordPress site sits on your computer - also known as a local server -- your content is not online. That means nobody can see it except for you.

  1. Downloading the Bitnami installer

Bitnami is a free, lightweight app that creates a virtual WordPress site on your computer. Here's the cool thing - it takes care of all the details, so there's no need to mess around with PHP files or databases

  1. Installing the software

The next step is to install WordPress.

  1. Logging in to your local WordPress site

To view your local WordPress site, open a browser tab and type: localhost/wordpress in the search bar.

Also you can set up remote access to your local WordPress site with port forwarding. That means you can access the WordPress site on your desktop computer from anywhere in the world.

Don't miss it. Complete details @ https://wpblazer.com/wordpress-install/localhost/

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