We create a Demo design, could u give me some advice?


This is our official website.
The brand color uses Blue to give our users a calm feeling, some people say the UI is not so good on ProductHunt.

Could u help me? Glad to see your advice ~

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    tried to have a look on my phone. unfortunately the content runs way too wide to be able to read anything. you should run a test there. I'm using an Android Huawei P30 pro

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      I had the same problem. Even on landscape mode.

      But what I could see it didn't look bad at all!

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        Thanks for your appreciation! We are adjusting the UI page on our website and official product. So we want to receive some advice about it.

        The previews you see on the website are the demo page, not the last.

    2. 1

      Sorry, our website didn't adapt to the mobile phone because our team is so small and we want to make the website launch first.
      If u r interested in our product, you can join the waitlist and we will send you a starting mail when we launch officially.

  2. 1

    Hi Leon, I've got some critique for you (although it was hard since your design is super neat!):

    1. Hero section. The most visible item should be a call to action. It's not - Product Hunt badge is. While it's good for legibility I don't think it should still all the attention. After all you want people to perform an action.
    2. Considered using some voice with the video? I loved watching it but I really felt like I could get it so much easier if somebody explained what was happening.
    3. You're using a lot of color in the headlines. I've tried to click all blue headlines until I realized none of them are clickable. I would probably stick with white, and maybe use bold or italics if you want things to stand out. Color is usually used best when it's used in buttons alone. Otherwise, it's misleading.
    4. Some of your descriptions are 16px gray text and I see no reason why they would not be bigger and brighter. I know it looks neat when the text is faded but it's just hard to read! If you get me to read for that long then I want to know all.
    5. Old way vs New way section... I kinda miss the point. Comparisons are great but here it's just not obvious enough why is your product better.

    I hope that helps ;)

  3. 1

    I checked your ProductHunt listing and everyone loves your design, what comments are you referring to? You have a great product and the design is wonderful! 😊

    1. 1

      Because the UI you see is the beta.
      If someone can give us some advice, maybe a small button, we just want to be better~

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