Adding more polish in Carrd

I've spent a lot of time using Carrd this year and as a designer I love the tool for small projects. I've also come to realise there are some definite limitations in its native tools when you just want to add that little bit of extra polish.

So I've set up a demo and tutorial site with ways to add extra functions or visual elements – some by stretching Carrd's native tools, some by adding a little bit of code, or through external widgets.


I'll be adding more to it as I experiment!

  1. 1

    https://little-fancies.co.uk IG feed isn't loading.
    I'm particularly interested on a solution for single IG link where it imports your IG feed, but allows you to make each version link clickable.

    1. 1

      little-fancies.co.uk IG feed is loading for me. Can you check again?

      1. 1

        IG feeds often get blocked by Brave & other privacy setups but what surprised me was its not even loading in Safari.

  2. 1

    Love it! I built my project in carrd. Very badass, may adopt some! I have spent so much time tinkering on this kind of stuff, could save me lots of time. And look better XD

    Cheers, Ben!

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