Help us build Hipclip – fast, easy, and fun podcast / webinar editing

👋 Hey Indie Hackers, I’m Artem and I’m looking for your feedback.

I've always struggled to edit podcasts and make them sound right. It would cost me a lot of time manually finding and removing filler words, awkward silences, and other unwanted parts.

So… I found a few friends who felt the same way, and we’ve built Hipclip.

Hipclip is an AI-powered podcast and webinar editor.

It automatically transcribes audio and video files into editable text and automates tedious tasks, which saves you hours of editing time on your next episode.

You can quickly turn your recording into 5-10 bite-sized clips and use the transcript to create blog articles. (SEO 🚀)

I’d love to invite you to try it out! This is a work in progress, and your help in terms of feedback would be HUGE!

We created this unique code ‘ASTROSHIPPER' just for the IndieHacker community – we need your help to build the best product out there, so the first three months of unlimited transcription are on us.

Sign up herehttps://studio.hipclip.ai

Promo code - ASTROSHIPPER (named after my fave IH t-shirt)


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