My 1st reaction of Twitter Spaces E1

This past weekend I just got to experience Twitter Spaces thanks, Fajar Man In my humble honest opinion think they are really going to give clubhouse a run for their money.

Useful features I noticed about it

  1. Better audio quality

  2. The emoji reactions are really useful than clubhouses mic flashes
    You can choose between πŸ’―βœ‹βœŠπŸ‘‹βœŒπŸ˜‚ to express different sentiments based on what's being discussed.
    I did experience some bugs a day before this was written this the emojis pane
    Another use case might be to vote if its a game room, pitch competition or anything else.

3.One can share tweets to Space
This pin tweets to the top of the space.
This is useful to a topic of discussion or

New Updates coming as seen from tweets on 2 designers profiles
Yes they building in public πŸ˜…

  1. Mega Moderation for hosts and moderators
  1. Scheduling of Spaces
  1. Spaces Title
    Currently, there is no way to give a room a title on a topic eg. 'Colonizing Mars: 5 action steps'

I'm excited to be part of this new revolution
Thanks, Twitter Spaces for the opportunity will be posting more updates soon.

If you would like to experience spaces do follow me(link in bio) I do go live a lot these days.
Im also launching a productized service so yeah follow anyways ;)

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