Why You Should Try Live Selling Today: Benefits for E-commerce

If you are running an e-commerce business, we can bet that you have social media running. Instagram or TikTok account is now a must-have for any online or offline business, especially retail.

But what about live selling? Haven’t tried it yet? Well, it’s time to get your hands on it. Live selling is a practice of conducting live shows where hosts demonstrate the products in stock and tell a few words about it. More about how live selling works.

So why should your shop try live selling ASAP? There are several reasons:

Build trust with your audience

We all have some trust issues when shopping on the Internet. Have you ever thought "What if the shop won’t ship my order and all the reviews are fake?"

Seeing the owner talking openly with their audience during live shows and demonstrating the products proves that the business wants some direct contact with the audience and has nothing to hide.

A live stream “humanizes” a business — it demonstrates that there are people behind it all and that they care about the customers. Moreover, a lead can also see the products and how they work. A host can even conduct a little tutorial on how to use the item.

Answer the questions

Live selling is a great opportunity to ask all the burning questions that may prevent your customers from buying the product. It’s easy to write a few words in the live show’s comment section, and the viewer can be sure that their question will be answered right away: no need to wait hours or days to get a reply.

What is more, when answering the question, a host can give a more detailed explanation or show some features of the product to give a viewer a clearer idea of its functionality.

Promote the products at a low cost

Finally, live selling is a perfect way to, sorry for the tautology, sell your product. It correlates a lot with the first point of this post — you, as a brand owner, or your team become representatives of the company. If live streams are done right, people will be joining them to watch as a form of entertainment. And while watching the stream, they can always buy the product (live selling platforms allow doing so without leaving the video).

A great idea is to collaborate with influencers or experts. It will promote your live shows and attract a wider audience. Live selling always has a feeling of exclusivity to it, and introducing an interesting guest only enhances it.

Summing up

All in all, there are no excuses to at least not try live selling for your e-business. It’s easy to organize, no extra resources are required, and you have lots of space for experiments. Not sure where to start when it comes to live selling platforms and apps? We discussed your options in this blog post.

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