E-commerce with Carrd ? 🤔

I take the liberty of coming here to ask a question because I know that one of you will probably be able to answer it.

I have an e-commerce project (dropshipping) and I would like to do my landing page with Carrd ! Do you think it's possible ?

sorry if my English is not great, I'm French 😅

  1. 2

    Are you wanting to add ecommerce to your Carrd page? You could try something like ecwid.com

  2. 1

    So I've found the trick, I'm going to use the shopify button that I'm going to integrate directly on my landing page. 😉

  3. 1

    What is the goal of your landing page?

    1. 1

      My landing page is used to convert visitors into leads.

      1. 2

        Carrd will work for that. You can always switch over to a dedicated ecommerce platform like shopify or bigcartel later if needed

      2. 1

        perfect use case for carrd.
        you will need to create a form to capture the leads and you are good to go !

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