Unable to change text style in Carrd

In a new blank Carrd website, I'm unable to change the style of text elements. I made a screencast to demonstrates the issue.

For example, when selecting the Site Title style, I'd expect the attributes of the current text to change, such as the font and size. But the style remains the default even after clicking the Done button in the properties panel.

I'm using Chrome OS Stable 88.0.4324.109 on an ASUS Chromebox 3 and the problem happens also in incognito.

This is something very basic. What am I doing wrong?

  1. 1

    Hi Paolo, have you resolved this yet? Looking at your screencast, you need to click on the paintbrush tab to change the font stylings.

    1. 1

      Yes thanks, I had an email exchange with Carrd's Doni.

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