🗓 Upcoming Events: Mar 29 - Apr 4, 2021

Week 16 of the Founder Events newsletter! Please subscribe to receive a list of upcoming events straight to your inbox every Sunday.

Greetings! Amy here. We've got a potpourri week ahead of us, with events ranging from business insurance to series A fundraising. Also, SPACs, which has got to be a close runner up to NFTs in terms of buzziest buzzword right now!

Anyways, get your calendars ready, here are next week's upcoming events:

What's happening next week:

That's it from me. Have a great week!

❔Are you excited about an upcoming event?

Let me know about it by sending an email to [email protected] or tweeting @amypeniston. Please be sure to include the name, date and URL for the event. Thank you. 🙏

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