Are MMFs the same as MVPs? πŸ€”

It's way too easy to drown in the ocean of business abbreviations. Are minimum marketable features (MMFs) the same as minimum viable products (MVPs)? And what is an MMF?

Both terms are common in agile development. Nonetheless, they have distinct meanings.

🟣 A minimum viable product (πŒπ•π) is your initial step. You use this development approach to test hypotheses, validate assumptions, and collect data and feedback. This is an early version of the product with a backbone of only integral features.

And you don't invest too much time or effort in rolling it out. As, in essence, you need it to help you decide whether it is reasonable to proceed to full-fledged product development and learn what people want.

🟣 A minimum marketable feature (πŒπŒπ…) is a slightly different deal. It goes after you validate the idea and focuses on choosing and bringing to life those features that will be of most value to users.

The aim is to make the product marketable thanks to these enhanced feature upgrades you'll deliver quickly. Hence, you decide what to roll out the soonest to satisfy users and start making a profit.

Therefore, MVPs and MMFs have distinct roles in the development process. For a more detailed comparison, keep reading here β‡’


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