I rly need to get better with my content creation deadlines

LOL. I just spent the entire weekend trying to meet a deadline for my 2nd Youtube video of the year. And guess what? I made it y'all 😇.

But would you believe me if I told you that my goal for February was to pump out 3 videos? Yeah, that was so not happening. Not this month, at least. I was way too busy with work.

I'm going to make it my goal to do a LIL better next month by NOT waiting until the last minute to film, edit and publish my video 😅.

🤔 As for my goal of trying to pump out more than 1 video/month...I'm going to have to figure out a better schedule that takes my sometimes-unpredictable work hours into account.

💁🏻‍♀️ Psst, if you have any tips about balancing work & side hustles together, I'm all ears!

🥂 For those of you who are interested in learning what it means to be a Developer Advocate, or if you've ever wanted to follow this career path, I share lots of information and tips on both of these points and more in my latest video!

📽 https://youtu.be/JtVn0sitWuk

  1. 2

    i've vlogged for an entire year... every single day! i know the struggle! keep going!

      1. 1

        got help. got some accountability. my brother helped me finish the 2nd time i did it... the community helped me do a year the first time.

  2. 2

    Wow, congrats on reaching your deadline! I struggle with deadlines myself, and it sucks when I don't meet them. As for tips, I think the best way to look at it is to think about your schedule and what you prioritize. As a full time big sister and freshman in high school, I've got a lot more on my mind than editing a video. It's definitely on my mind but it's not something that's more important than homework, per se.

    I would just set reasonable goals, and not to be as harsh when missing the deadline. I've learned through many tantrums that crying over missing the deadline does nothing. If you want, I would put away all distractions, and set aside specific time to edit that video. For me, I usually set that time aside on the weekends, Saturday and Sunday night. This way I can mentally prepare and think ahead of all the work I'm going to get done during that time, and it gets me into the zone.

    I hope this helps! As a fellow YouTuber, I'm wishing you all the best! Good luck!

    1. 1

      YES! It definitely helps. I love that you dedicate weekend nights to creating content (🔥👏🏻Love the creator community 🥰)! I'm going to be doing exactly for these next couple of nights as I try to meet my 3rd video of the year deadline, haha. Thank you so much 🙏🏻.

      1. 1

        aww, i'm glad it helps! :D

  3. 2

    The video is cool! How long did it take you to edit? On Mac?

    1. 1

      I'd say like 7-8 hours haha. And yes, on Mac!

      1. 2

        About mac - probably like 99% of the indies here :D

  4. 2

    Great video.

    I'm in the no code space (founder), not sure if the role exists but a no-code advocate sounds exactly like a developer advocate just using no-code tools.

    I guess it is just being a product advocate.

    And content creation is hard work!

    1. 1

      Thank you so much! That's awesome. I love no-code advocates! Btw yes, DAs for no-code platforms exist. I've seen some awesome Developer Advocates for Webflow and Strapi.

      And haha yeah, content creation is crazy. But meeting your own deadline is such a thrill. Do you know what I mean 🤓? Do you also create content?

      1. 2

        Not enough :)

        I recorded a simple product video (but two webapps I used broke), so had to rerecord and go back to my old workflow.

        1. 1

          Aw, well I'm sure both of the videos look great!

          Also, guess what? One of the latest The Information emails I got is titled "Content Alone Will Kill the Creator Economy" and in it reads:

          "While it’s easy to start a newsletter, podcast or online course, it turns out that running a content business is hard. Really hard. In fact, content may be the single worst digital subscription model a solo entrepreneur can choose."

          LOL. Feels like everyone' s on the same wavelength this Monday.

          1. 1

            Not sure how folks do it. Weekly content is crazy.

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