Stackbit and the non-dev Jamstack

I've been watching the growth of Stackbit since 2018. I like these folks, especially the mission that they took on. Disclaimer: I have no stakes whatsoever in that company.

For those of you who don't know about it, I'd describe Stackbit as a "Jamstack facilitator". Right now, it's easy to drive developer adoption for the Jamstack. The DX is great, the tools are shiny, the costs are often low, the backend is abstracted/accessible, and the perf is often amazing. However, while some of these will appeal to non-devs, other key factors are often missing for them: low-config onboarding, smooth learning curve, easy collaboration, integrations, social proof, and more.

Popular non-dev tools like WordPress or Squarespace make users feel powerful rapidly. Starting projects with these is a matter of a few clicks, very visual, the feedback on "building" is almost immediate.

I think Stackbit are able to provide that same feeling to non-devs, but with the technical power of the Jamstack under the hood. You can try the tool for yourself, it's quick and simple to whip up a site. You can bundle headless CMS, a static site generator, a git repo, and a hosting service in a few clicks. There's also a visual, inline editing element available through their "studio" now.

Back in like 2017, we (Snipcart) wanted to create something just like Stackbit. When I see the amount of energy that went into creating that Jamstack "glue" and interface, I understand we would've most likely failed.

What other tools are trying to accomplish a similar mission?

Do you think it's a mission that's likely to succeed? Why or why not?

  1. 2

    i'm a huge fan of stackbit. I use them for most of my site

  2. 2

    Love Stackbit since they arrived on the scene. Been using them for all my JAMstack sites since!

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