Gamify Habits

Recently I've noticed a lot of habit trackers on Product Hunt. But they all look a bit boring. Like a sort of project management tool. I reckon if gamify one, people may take to it better. Imagine forest for habits.

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    I'm actually working on something like this at the moment. I don't want it to become too "gamey" though. Reach out and I'll show you what we have so far :D

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    Habitica is one of the known product. I think it's fun but doesn't really work to build strong habits.

    There is still big scope on great habit building products. I'd say start working on it.

    And Feel free to ping me on twitter if you want to discuss in depth :)

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      I know this is really late but would you mind elaborating on why you think habitica doesn't work?

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        It has been long time since I used habitica.

        One big thing why I think it doesn't work is, you can just cheat the whole thing just get more points/items/etc. You can just mark your task completed even without completing it which most lazy would definitely do if they want to progress in their whole gaming scenario.

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          How would you do it then, to prevent or at least discourage cheating?

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            I would start with specific tasks first.

            Say you want to build habit of writing one blog consistently.

            Now think of a platform where you set your writing goal- say once every week. Then you link your website over there.

            Now your blogging habit is automatically tracked. Later on this can be expanded into so many different habits.

            I would also build “accountability” system tightly integrated with your goal habits - where real people are looking over you as build your habit, support you when you fail to be consistent, etc.

            Habitca app has a social part but it’s not really integrated with your habit formation.

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