Getting banned on Reddit for no valid reasons

Hey everyone,

Would love to hear more about how you manage to post on Reddit without getting banned.

I've had multiple instances of trial and it never ended up going well...

Maybe you have guidance that could help?

This first one got removed for no valid reason in my opinion, but I am no Reddit expert.

I even checked the rules to try to understand the reason... and no mods replied to me to clarify what exactly got the post removed.

This one got downvoted and then removed as well. I was asking to get roasted or get feedback, and yet, none of that happened...

Then I asked ChatGPT to improve the last post to make it better for Reddit, and it got me banned...

I am honestly so confused with Reddit, that it's frustrating to see how you get banned right away.

Any advice?

  1. 6

    I always see stories like this! Luckily, I've had quite a bit of good success on Reddit. My main strategy is to just blend in like a normal person. I participate in a few subreddits regularly that relate to my domain and answer any questions I can answer. Every now and then, there will be something that relates to my product which is where I'll add in my plug. Sometimes, I'll link to my product, sometimes I won't. I've been doing this for a year or two now and all my past comments bring me new users and visitors every day.

    Reddit is just notorious for anti-promotion and really really harsh reactions. So my best advice to not getting banned is to try to blend in, add value, and when the time is right, promote.

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      Have had success doing this as well, but it also depends on the community. Some are reaaaally against self-promotion and some are more neutral about it.

      1. 1

        For sure, you have to be mindful on how you comment.

    2. 1

      Yeah, that's kind of what I am understanding... Don't start thread, just comment.

  2. 4

    Hi, several reasons why your posts might get banned on Reddit:

    1. Spamming: repeatedly post the same or similar content across multiple subreddits
    2. Low-Quality Content: your post is low-quality, contains irrelevant content or is not suitable for the subreddit
    3. Vote Manipulation: use multiple accounts to upvote your own posts or downvote others
    4. Violate Reddit's Content Policy: include harassment, bullying, or threats contents, includes any content that falsely represents someone else, such as a celebrity or public figure,...

    To reduce the risk of being ban, u should consider above reasons before posting and some subreddit rules, which commonly include:

    1. Stay on topic: Posts should be relevant to the subreddit's theme and focus
    2. No self-promotion: Posts that are intended solely to promote a product, service, or website are not allowed
    3. No low-effort content: Posts should be well-written and thoughtfully presented
    4. No reposts: Content that has already been posted to the subreddit is not allowed
    5. Be respectful: Users should engage in civil, respectful discussion and avoid personal attacks or harassment

    Glad to help you ^^

    1. 1

      That's what I find upsetting, is that I didn't spam, or purposely reposted the exact same thing. I honestly tried to improve my previous post to get feedback.

      Then, what is "low quality content"... this is extremely relative to each individual. I personally wrote all these posts myself, and selected the right subreddits to get feedback or a question answered.

      For example r/roastmystartup, what's the goal of it: getting your startup roasted.
      What did I do, I posted details about my startup and asked for feedback (aka getting roasted).
      What did I get, I got banned!
      Explain to me the logic here...

      Once again, what is low-effort content... it's not like I did a 3 lines post saying "roast my startup", I took the time to explain what improvement I did, what the startup does and all. Yet, it seems to still be considered as "low-effort content"...

      If no one is giving proper feedback on how the post could have been improved, or asking questions on missing information, how can someone improve?

      That's what I find ridiculous... There's no feedback loop. It's just downvoted, removed and banned.

      1. 3

        Reddit is like Communist China of the internet. Better to just go elsewhere IMHO. Maybe try Quora?

        1. 2

          Love that comparison ahah It makes me feel better about it 😅

          What have been your experience with Quora so far?

          1. 2

            I've also got banned from some subreddits for no reason, when I ask why, I get muted. If you do not say exactly what the moderator wants to hear, you get banned.

            1. 2

              Wow, the is ridiculous xD As @tjbo said, it's proper communism ahah

          2. 2

            We've only posted some simple answers, but I do find it to be less spammy and less communist like. ;)

            I find threads are more in depth there than on Reddit.

            1. 1

              I can totally understand that...

  3. 2

    It's probably because you're linking to an external site. That's often got me banned as it's seen as self promoting

    1. 1

      That's the crazy thing, most posts, if not all, in r/roastmystartup have links...

  4. 2

    Getting banned on Reddit can be frustrating, but there's usually a reason behind it. Review the platform's guidelines and be sure to follow them closely. If you're still experiencing issues, reach out to Reddit's support team for clarification. Good luck!

    1. 1

      That makes a lot of sense, it's normal that there are reasons behind it, but for some people it's just a misunderstanding, and that's where there are some issues. At least some warnings or some feedback loop needs to be in place. You can't just go for the instant ban without warning, in my opinion.

      1. 2

        You are 1,000% correct but unfortunately it's their platform and they can pretty much do what they want, so it's always advised to just play by the rules as much as you can!

  5. 2

    Few weeks ago I got banned from a sub reddit because I replied to every comments I got on my post.

    1. 1

      No way! This is like basic respect for everyone that took the time to respond...

  6. 2

    You are not the only one......potential threat of AI to human rights and freedoms.

  7. 1

    Looking at these screenshots

    First SS:

    • You asked a question
    • About AI
    • In a subreddit that does not like questions or AI

    Second SS:

    • Low quality
    • Included a link
    • Wrong subreddit

    Third SS:

    • Included a link
    • Low quality
    • wrong subreddit

    My advice: Don't include links, be genuine, have actual content.

    1. 1

      First SS:

      • I didn't think they would mind an AI question as it's part of their future... but I can understand that they don't like it. Sadly, these people will have to face the truth once AI will hit them really hard in the future...

      Second/Third SS:

      • How come it is low quality? What was missing?
      • It was a post about getting feedback by being roasted, so providing a link for them to see the landing page was necessary.
      • Which subreddit would have been better?

      What was not genuine about my post, as I was genuinely asking for feedback 😅

      1. 1

        A screenshot of the landing page was necessary, a link was not.

        A subreddit about webdesign, not startups.

        My man, your post was dog doo. Asking people for feedback on your 4min doo doo is not being genuine.

        1. 1

          I actually didn't think of the screenshot, that's not a bad idea... I guess I thought it would be easier to read on the real website, but yeah, I can try an image next time.

          The subreddit was r/roastmystartup (aka startup), not web design 😂

          Excuse my lack of understanding, but what does "dog doo" and "doo doo" mean?

          Also, I'm confused about how you see what being genuine is... because if I follow your logic, asking basic question such as "What's your name?" it means that I'm not being genuine!? Not sure to follow what you're trying to say here...

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