Jack Dorsey steps down from Twitter

Dorsey stepped down as Twitter's CEO a while back, but now he has also stepped down from the board. He no longer has any say in how Twitter operates or where it will go.

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      A meme in the making :)

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    Twitter is an amazing product. I'm grateful for what he has done.

    I've benefited from being on that platform. #freementorship

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      I really don't like any of the behemoth social media platforms... but I agree. Twitter is by far the least worst, and I've definitely had really great interactions on it and learned a ton.

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        Twitter is also 100x toxic compared to other platforms.
        Most of people go on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube for entertainment but people on Twitter go there with own agenda depending on their market like business agenda, political agenda, etc. And this where it takes extreme turn.

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          Hah, yeah you're not wrong! But I think it's pretty toxic elsewhere too.

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    Interesting time to take a hands-off approach, with the whole Musk deal and all.

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      For sure. I refer to what @zerotousers said 😂

  3. 1

    Like they say in the article - end of an era.

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    It seems like he's had enough of Musk :)

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